Polkastarter Uniswap Liquidity Program Update — January

Over half a million in rewards and fees earned in January

2 min readJan 31, 2021

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January has been truly record-breaking in many ways and we will have many stats and details to share in our upcoming Community Update #4 in a couple of days. We were listed on several exchanges, including Huobi and OKEx, thanks to the great Polkastarter community support.

Nevertheless, Uniswap has been tremendous for $POLS and the community with over $120m in volume in January alone, which averages around $4 million a day, double than our volume in December. That’s on top of the huge volume we’ve seen on the CEX exchanges.

Additionally, we now have over 25,000 $POLS tokenholders!

Not only that, our whitelisted LP providers are eligible to participate in the whitelisting process for all the projects launching on our platform and many have taken advantage of this incredible opportunity.

We’ve announced on Christmas Eve that we are extending the Uniswap LP rewards for January and we will be paying out those 150,000 $POLS tomorrow, once we finalised all calculations. At the time, the value of those tokens was around $55,000, but today it’s an amazing $210,000 in value. We couldn’t be happier for our community to receive those rewards. Not only that, all LP providers have shared more than $350,000 in fees. Altogether that’s earnings of $560,000 in one month!!!

We are excited to announce that we are extending our Uniswap Liquidity Program and will be paying out a total of 70,000 $POLS at the end of February, which is over $100,000 in current value.

How to be participate?

In order to participate, you just have to whitelist your address and add liquidity to Polkastarter’s Uniswap trading pair. The rewards program is automatically renewed on a monthly basis unless we announce otherwise.

For more information, please check out our original article here.

The Polkastarter blog has moved! Visit https://blog.polkastarter.com to stay up to date with Polkastarter.




Decentralized protocol built for cross-chain token pools and auctions, enabling projects to raise capital